A couple of weeks ago I posted about how essential it is to develop your skills with the sole of your foot. After all, the use of the sole is one of the key differences between the 11-a-side game where it is moderately used, to 5-a-side (including futsal) where it is an absolute must if you […]
The Incredible Power of Sleep for Sports
Getting enough sleep is key to our general well-being, but you might not have realised the massive impact it can have on your performance on the field. In this article we’re going to explore why it’s so important and what sort of benefits it can have on your game. Studies show that getting enough sleep can drastically […]
14 Essential Secrets of Getting Fit for 5-a-side / Futsal
Whatever standard you are playing, it’s almost certain that you could raise your game by improving your fitness a bit more. That’s because fitness is a key component of being an effective performer on the court, and is every bit as important as your skills with the ball. It’s one of the key elements that […]
Skills with Joe Smith (Flowinfootball)
The old song goes that video killed the radio star, but now it seems that there are thousands of YouTube upstarts queuing up ready to put the hatchet into them all by taking over the world with their slick online productions. At 5-a-side.com we’re proud to have bagged an exclusive first online interview with Joe […]
The 3 Ingredients of an Injury Prevention Exercise Programme
We’ve covered in a previous post the 5 steps that you can take to minimise your risk of injury playing 5-a-side. One of the methods mentioned there was performing regular exercises to strengthen you against injury. Whilst most forms of exercise will be beneficial in helping you be fit for 5-a-side, the biggest benefits come […]