Similar to the bleep test, the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test is a standardised fitness test you can do to test your fitness levels. It combines short intensive runs with brief recovery periods, which gives it a good level of realism to the fitness requirements of intermittent sports and makes it the fitness test of choice […] Does the Beep Test
For a couple of weeks now we’ve been mentioning the beep test as a way to test your fitness for 5-a-side. It wouldn’t be right if we didn’t have a go at it ourselves. So the Gaffer set out to take on the challenge – how would I score? Apart from leading to potential embarrassment […]
The Beep Test – A Comprehensive Guide
The beep test, also sometimes referred to as the ‘bleep test’, has a variety of names. Most formally it is known as the ‘multi stage fitness test’, but also goes under the title of the ‘Leger test’, ‘pacer test’ and ‘20m shuttle run test’. Whatever the name, the test is a standardised assessment of a […]
How Fit Do I Need to be For 5-a-side?
If you want to be a good 5-a-side player then you need to have impressive fitness levels. But just what sort of heights do you need to reach to be a top player? We find out exactly what the fitness requirements are for top futsal players and how you can test yourself against them. Graeme […]
The Physical and Mental Benefits of 5-a-side
Playing any form of 5-a-side soccer is a great way to get fit. In fact, in comparison to jogging and even the full 11-a-side game, 5-a-side comes out above both of these in terms of the benefits it offers. Just look at the evidence – even if you think you’re an old pro at 5-a-side […]
The 3 Ingredients of an Injury Prevention Exercise Programme
We’ve covered in a previous post the 5 steps that you can take to minimise your risk of injury playing 5-a-side. One of the methods mentioned there was performing regular exercises to strengthen you against injury. Whilst most forms of exercise will be beneficial in helping you be fit for 5-a-side, the biggest benefits come […]
5 Easy Ways to Avoid Football Injuries
There’s nothing more frustrating than picking up an injury that keeps you out of action. Injuries rob you of precious time spent playing the game, and for most people that leads to lower fitness levels and less time spent with your mates, which can leave you feeling pretty low after a while. Of course, injury […]